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A Local and Global Vision
In our mission to foster philanthropy for the lasting good of the community, Placer Community Foundation facilitates long-term, transformative giving, allowing donors to give back locally. PCF can also help your global charitable vision become a reality.
We understand that people here often get involved with issues in another part of the country or the world to address such items as education, health and medical supplies, or access to clean water.
Depending on the needs and interests of individual donors, PCF undertakes research on specific programs and areas; obtains detailed information about potential grantees; fulfills required due diligence on projects receiving grants; and provides timely progress and financial reports.
Though PCF’s knowledge of local needs is vast, we understand your charitable interests may focus on national or even global issues. We can help identify nonprofits best suited to take on critical work—to support your vision of a better community.
Street Address:
219 Maple Street, Suite 200
Auburn, California 95603
Business Hours:
8:00am-5:00pm M-F