Placer Artists Tour, held on two weekends in November, attracts over 100 working artists. In 2022, 111 artists, 6 galleries and 6 art schools will participate. These local artists depend on income from this event and prepare throughout the year. Some have developed national exposure after beginning their careers on this tour. Our organization mentors artists and assists in professional development.
In addition to supporting local artists, the Placer Artists Tour makes an important contribution to the economic and cultural health of Placer County. This self-driving, free event creates awareness reaching well beyond our county including visitors from Australia, England, Mexico, and Canada as well as Reno, Fresno, Sacramento and throughout the Bay Area. This event also creates substantial revenue for restaurants, motels, wineries, breweries, and retail stores. We estimate over five thousand people attend annually.
We are thrilled to announce that a fund has been established at Placer Community Foundation to provide long-term support of the Placer Artists Tour. The fund is seeded by matching gifts from the Sky View Foundation, Mary Ann Flemmer Arts and Environment Fund at Placer Community Foundation, the Family of Susan Cooley-Gilliom, Rich and Victoria Brooks and Joanne Neft; all strong and essential supporters of our arts community. We are seeking additional contributions from within the community to grow this fund so that the Placer Artists Tour Board can focus on expanding its imprint for artists throughout Placer County and the surrounding area.
The Placer Artists Tour Endowment Fund at Placer Community Foundation pools gifts and invests them for long-term growth. Earnings on investment support the Placer Artists Tour now and for generations to come. Now is a unique opportunity to have your gift match up to 100% by our lead donors!
If you value a vibrant arts community and seek to support individual artists when national funding for the arts is at an all-time low, please consider a gift to the Placer Artists Tour Endowment Fund by contacting Placer Community Foundation today. They can assist you in making a gift today or through your estate plan that offers you tax-savings and options to maximize your gift. Mission of the Placer Artists Tour:
To showcase the vast array of talented visual artists throughout Placer County
To celebrate visual artists creating works in all mediums
To educate the community and visitors on how artists create their works
To offer opportunities to purchase art.
Explore the artist profiles and maps using the printed Guide as well as PlacerArtistsTour.org. A pre tour exhibit of each artist’s work includes a reception honoring our supporters and offering the public an opportunity to plan their tour.

Photos, top to bottom: Pastel painting by Susan Cooley-Gilliom, Taste of the Tour, Nicholson van Altena Glass, Artist Joe Strickland