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Working together to permanently take a stand against hunger.

Placer Food Bank Endowment Fund

When Placer Food Bank (PFB), a member-affiliate of Feeding America, opened its doors in 1970 as the Community Resources Council, they never imagined growing into the leading advocate and food distributor for hunger-relief in El Dorado, Nevada, and Placer Counties.

More than 90,000 people in the counties they serve don’t know where their next meal will come from and more than 27,000 are children. Over 30% of the area seniors report having to choose between food and paying for medicine or medical care. Since COVID-19 began, close to 100,000 meals are being provided each month through PFB’S 60+ hunger-relief partners.

PFB offers vital hunger-relief services and programs - Feed our Future program includes:

  • Free monthly mobile drive-through food distributions held at nine sites in El Dorado and Placer Counties: Cameron Park, Colfax, Forest Hill, Georgetown, Lincoln, Placerville, Pollock Pines, Rocklin, Sheridan. Over 29,000 households served.

  • Senior Mobile Distribution to area low-income complexes in Auburn (Auburn Villa and Valley Oaks); Newcastle: Castle City; Rocklin: (Quarry Oaks, Rolling Oaks, Shannon Bay), providing nutritious food boxes monthly serving over 20,000 seniors annually.

  • Kids Backpack Program reaching 4,000 low income students by providing snack packs weekly to help relieve weekend meal gaps. Over 17,600 packs distributed monthly.

  • School Pantry Family Bags – Over 8,000 family bags are distributed monthly – helping 560 families in need.

  • CalFresh (SNAP/Food Stamp Program: PFB provides assistance to identify eligibility and application assistance.

PFB’s sights are set on serving their mission for the next 50 years and beyond. In September 2020, they announced the Future50 Project, a community-driven crusade against hunger in El Dorado, Nevada and Placer Counties.

Through education, public awareness and actionable steps, community members, current and future donors, corporate and business partners, can work together and take a stand against hunger to uplift our community, feed our hungry and help PFB to expand services, programs, and make capital improvements. It is more important now, than any time in PFB’s history, to strengthen its position today to be equipped to meet growing need for food assistance tomorrow.

When one of their long-standing and valued corporate partners, Wells Fargo, learned about the Future50 Project, they came forward in December 2020 and made a generous donation and investment in PFB’s future by helping PFB establish the Placer Food Bank Endowment Fund at Placer Community Foundation.

No matter the challenges PFB has faced throughout its 50 years, the staff and community partners haven’t skipped a beat – always diligently working together to help solve hunger and ensure that PFB’s mission is honored: to sustain communities by nourishing families experiencing food insecurity, educating the community about hunger, while advocating for hunger relief.


Learn More.

Placer Food Bank is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Tax I.D. #94-1740316.


Call: 916.783.0481 


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Photos by Cindy Lawton

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