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2021 Nonprofit Leadership Summit

Placer nonprofits, register now for the 2021 Placer Nonprofit Leadership Summit: “Putting Our Differences on the Table”

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 9:00 am – 12:00 pm On Zoom- link to be shared two days prior to the session Facilitators: Katie Hyten and Montressa Washington from Essential Partners

This session will NOT be recorded, as it will involve breakout rooms and small group discussions.

This three-hour interactive workshop led by Essential Partners will focus on building skills to help you have conversations that create trust and understanding across differences Attendees will: ● Learn a framework for recognizing and creating new cycles of conversations in your organizations and communities. ● Develop skills in listening, asking questions, and speaking constructively, particularly in difficult conversations or conversations across differences. ● Build confidence and willingness to engage across differences.

Since 1989, Essential Partners has fostered social cohesion through constructive dialogue in situations where conflict is driven by differences of views, values, and identities. Our time-tested approach engenders the mutual trust that makes public deliberation, thriving civic institutions, and collective decision-making possible. We achieve this by: ● Generating a new depth of mutual understanding across differences ● Rehumanizing the “Other” while diminishing stereotypes, blame, and infighting ● Shifting relationships toward productive engagement, even without common ground ● Building community capacity for civil conversations about complex and divisive issues ● Strengthening individual and community resilience to hold difficult conversations ● Investing stakeholders with the skills and tools to advance community-wide change

Placer nonprofit representatives, please complete the registration form here. Event details and a Zoom link will come in an email two days before the event with the subject line “Leadership Summit Details.”

This workshop is presented by Placer Community Foundation with assistance by the Center for Nonprofit Leadership for nonprofits residing along the western slope of Placer County. Submission of your application authorizes Placer Community Foundation to use images (photography and/or video) taken of you during this program in publications such as, but not limited to, newsletters, website, or brochures.


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