Janice Forbes was the instrumental catalyst for the vision, the work, and the success of Placer Community Foundation. She was the driving force of the formation of the community foundation, and helping establish the vision and mission that guides the comprehensive community impact.
“Janice was a true leader. A force of nature. A self-made woman who made moves and better the community for all of us.” Veronica Blake, CEO of Placer Community Foundation
Founding Chairman of the Placer Community Foundation
Janice understood the impact giving could have on current and future needs throughout the county. She also believed strongly in honoring and sharing the legacy of those who chose to give back to their place of home. In 2004 she led the board in ratifying the decision to transform Auburn Community Foundation into a public charity that could serve donors in directing their charitable intent to address a wide range of causes. That decision created the Placer Community Foundation.
Since 2005 the Foundation’s assets have grown to $21 million, and the Foundation has distributed nearly $10 million in grants to local charities. Janice was a true leader and passionate champion of many causes. It can be said that her relentless work has contributed to the quality of life we all share in this county.
Janice had the ability to see a person’s full potential and could get someone into the right position at the right time to flourish. She could identify the right person for a job, and would work tirelessly to help someone develop those skills necessary to succeed. Janice was key and instrumental to have Veronica Blake join and lead Placer Community Foundation.
Janice led the Board of Directors at the Placer Community Foundation in support of the Auburn School Park Preserve and community garden and worked toward the project’s completion for 15 years. Her perseverance, confidence, and steady pressure on the public and decision makers to do what’s right, and all with grace. Janice was a respected by all she encountered.
Supporting the restoration of the Auburn School Park Preserve was in perfect alignment with Forbes’ values as an environmentalist and her keen appreciation for the heritage of our community. Without her tireless leadership the park would not exist today. When Janice had an idea, she would stick with a project for years to come.
Community Leader
In all aspects of her life, Janice was a community leader. She was a publisher of Sierra Heritage Magazine, a regional magazine covering the Sierra Nevada mountain range, for 26 years and published the weekly community newspaper, The Sentinel, until 2010. She served several terms on the City of Auburn’s Economic Development Commission and on numerous local boards including the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce, the Auburn Symphony and the Auburn-Placer Performing Arts Center. She was also a founding board member of the Sierra Business Council, a regional business organization.
Janice Forbes was the Founding Chairman of Placer Community Foundation, a visionary for the future, and a community leader. Her commitment to philanthropy and preserving this region’s unique assets has and will be felt for generations to come.