Two high-profile initiatives from PCF’s leadership work during the pandemic have gained statewide recognition, receiving various awards in recent months. Both programs were part of our collective efforts with Placer County Health and Human Services and other key partners, pointing to the strength and effectiveness of the collaborative practices and culture Placer has become known for.
Mask Up Placer/Mask Up Para Tu Gente
Award: 2022 Excellence in Public Information & Communications California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO) EPIC Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Outreach/Campaign
The EPIC award given to PCF and Placer County HHS for the Mask Up Placer/Mask Up Para Tu Gente campaign is also noteworthy since it was the inaugural award for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Outreach/Campaign category.
Rent Help Placer
Award: California Association of Counties (CSAC) 2021 Innovation Awards Program Challenge Award, Disaster/Emergency Response & Management
Placer’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program, aka Rent Help Placer, was recognized with CSAC’s Challenge Award for its quick and efficient delivery of cash assistance to those struggling to pay rent or utilities due to pandemic-related income loss. PCF was a key partner of Placer County and the City of Roseville for the program providing strategic input and execution of robust communication and outreach efforts to support the successful outcomes for the program.
Award: California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO) 2022 Excellence in Public Information & Communications Award of Distinction, Communications or Marketing Plans/Campaigns (Consultant-Supported)
About the Awards Programs
California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO) Awards
CAPIO’s EPIC awards program recognizes the most creative and effective efforts in the areas of communication and marketing campaigns for the public good. The EPIC Award is given to programs that receive the highest marks for work that “transcends innovation and craft – work that made a lasting impact.” Distinction awards are given to programs demonstrating exceptional effort but with evaluation scores that fell just below the criteria for top honors.
California Association of Counties (CSAC) Challenge Awards
CSAC’s Annual Challenge Awards recognize the innovative and creative spirit of our California Counties as they find new, effective and cost-saving ways to provide programs and services to their citizens. Awards are given across a range of categories and recognize efforts across rural, suburban and urban geographies.