Placer Community Foundation is deeply saddened by the tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Stephon Clark and many other people of color. We join the many voices calling for our society and systems to learn, listen and confront the complex issues of racism and equity in our country.
These events force us all to exam beliefs and assumptions we have long held and deeply believe. In Placer County, we honor those who are responding with good will to this call with the tools available to them. It is heartening to see so many community members who are standing for what is right by using their voices and peacefully protesting.
PCF’s mission is to build a more resilient community by connecting generous people to the causes they care about. In the last weeks, we have helped donors make charitable contributions to various nonprofit organizations that provide stability in a time of crisis including many that provide food, shelter, emotional and psychological support to the most vulnerable in our communities. We also support groups that can bring our communities, our public institutions, and our fellow citizens together to confront difficult discussions about race and privilege to make lasting change in order to move ahead. It is our fundamental belief that when we come together as a community we can meet challenges and make progress toward a better tomorrow for all of us.
~ The Board and Staff at Placer Community Foundation